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I started to collect objects on the 19th of October, the galleries below start with the first visit. The objects have no meaning and were randomly selected. Dependent on weather, tide and access to the beach I will either collect from the beach itself or the cliff top. Each object is collected from the beach in the 'zone' of the cliff top marker. (Working left to right; Left is the northern zone, right is the southern zone.)


1. First visit to beach. Sample of objects

2. 02.11.10

3. 09.11.10

4. 16.11.10

5. 23.11.10 - No objects

6. 30.11.10

Having photographed these objects so far I'm not sure I want to carry on documenting the objects like this? I stop documenting at the end of November. The way to work around the lighting (to avoid this colour casting) and to keep the images uniform woud be to work in the studio. At the moment (07.12.10) I'm going to put this on hold. I will look at photographing out on location. The one thing a studio could offer is the contrast to the natural environment and the objects, should I want to highlight the contrast?

Website design and imagery © Fiona Caley 2019

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